My friend Sofia Jones (from Bakersfield California, joined Church in March 2021, mid-20s) join us to share her story. Sofia (who grew up Christian) talks about changing her initial assumptions about Latter-day Saints and being willing to meet with the missionaries, read the Book of Mormon, and be baptized. It is a beautiful conversation story with insights on the added gospel understanding unique to our restored Church—which brings peace, hope and perspective.

Sofia then talks about being willing to consider her sexual orientation and how her YSA Ward is a safe place to be LGBTQ—including her ward member Adam Garrett (episode 508) who shared helpful insights. Sofia talks about how she never considered that being LGBTQ would be OK to God and compatible with being a Christian. She talks about her journey to find acceptance within herself—and the role of personal revelation—of being asexual and a lesbian. Sofia talks about how “God still loves you and God is still for you”.

This is a wonderful podcast for someone considering joining the Church (or trying to stay in) and/or someone trying to find peace/acceptance with their sexual orientation or gender identity.

Thank you, Sofia, for being on the podcast. You are brave. You are a wonderful disciple of Christ Our Church and world are a better place because of you. You have a great life ahead of you!


Sofia's Instagram: @sofiamjones

Richard Ostler books/bio/etc.:

Facebook Group to support LGBTQ Latter-day Saints: