My friend Seth Larson (BYU grad, Bolivia RM, active Latter-day Saint) joins us to bravely share his story. Seth talks about trying to date women in hopes of making the typical path work in the Church and his desire to have a family and fully participate in the Church. Seth talks about feeling suicidal and “sub-par” because of being gay and not being able to make that path work—and shares honest journal entrees with his feelings. Seth talks about being open with his parents and therapist leading to his decision to date men. Seth talks about going slow, being intentional, and involving family/friends/his Bishop in the journey. Seth talks about feeling (for the first time) warm, safe, and secure.

Seth talks about how his hope increased and anxiety decreased as he opened his heart/mind to this path. Seth talks about how church and the temple became triggering for him and what his Bishop did to validate these feelings and minister to him. Seth talks about why he is currently in the Church—but not sure of his long-term future. Seth talks about the character of God and Jesus—and how Christ is not “waiting for us to turn around” before helping us.

Thank you, Seth, for your courage to share your story in hopes of helping others. I learned so much from you. I encourage allies to listen to this podcast and then consider what we can do in our circle of influence to better support queer Latter-day Saints. And I encourage queer Latter-day Saints to listen to Seth’s story to gain insights and principles to write your story with Christ.

You are a good man, Seth. You have blessed many lives with your many gifts—something I believe will continue your entire life. This world is a better place with you (and all my queer friends) part of it.


Richard Ostler books/bio/etc:

Facebook Group to support LGBTQ Latter-day Saints: