** Trigger Warning: This episode talks about the realities of sex trafficking **

My friend Tyler Schwab (early 30’s, Wyoming Native, RM from Dominican Republic, Human Trafficking Training from Vanguard University, MBA degree) joins us to talk about answering the call (after returning home from his mission) to return to Latin America and work to solve sex trafficking. Tyler talks about selling everything he owned and returning to the Dominican Republic and his journey over the past decade to prevent, recover, prosecute perpetrator, and empower survivors. It is a deeply personal story to “answer the call” to make a difference.

Tyler also talks about his own spiritual journey to find peace that includes being angry at times at God for the pain of the survivors and the horrific deeds of the perpetrators—and seeing God’s hand at times in providing hope and healing to survivors.

Tyler talks about staring Libertas International, its mission, and how you can donate to help make a difference.

I was deeply moved listening to Tyler—a dear family friend. I am so grateful for brave people answering the call to make a difference in our world in unique and needed ways. Thank you, Tyler, for being on the podcast and all the good work you (and many others) are doing to rescue survivors and prosecute perpetrators.


Libertas International: https://libertasinternational.org/

Tyler Schwab e-mail: [email protected]

Instagram: @libertasinternational

Cowboy State Daily Article: https://cowboystatedaily.com/2023/06/18/cowboy-state-people-tyler-schwab-of-afton-wyoming-dedicates-life-to-rescuing-sex-trafficked-girls/