My friend Dr. Julie Fraumeni-McBride (married LDS mother of six children) joins us from her home in Temecula, CA to talk about helping women solve porn use. Julie (who got her PhD in Education and Disabilities Studies and now is a Researcher and Education Program designer at the Steadfast Institute) helps us understand the latest research to end porn use.

Julie talks about why the addiction/recovery model is not supported by the latest research—while the ACT model is. Julie also talks about framing porn as a reliance and not an addiction. She talks about helping people deconstruct the shame around porn and how that is a key step to ending porn use.

Julie also talks about how parents need to be the “trusted experts” for their children regarding topics around human sexuality—included why this is important, how to do this, and how normalizing these types of conversations is important and doesn’t lead to more curiosity.

I was deeply moved by Julie’s insights as a researcher and program designer. I’m grateful for Julie’s voice using facts to give us more tools to solve porn use. If you are working to end porn use (male or female) or what to help others, this will be one of the most helpful podcasts for you.

Thank you, Julie, for all your needed work in our community and beyond.

Podcast Links:

The Steadfast Institute:

Dr. Fraumeni-McBride’s Instagram Page: @drfraumenimcbride

The Steadfast Institute Instagram Page: @thesteadfastinstitute

Researchers mentioned:

Brian Willougby

Nathan Leonhardt

Chelom Leavitt

Dean Busby

Jason Carroll