My friend Michele Portlock (married mother of 4) joins us to share her story. Michele talks about parenting neurodivergent children (e.g. ADHD, Autism) which led her to go back to college to get a Masters Degree in special education and start an LLC called Navigating the Spectrum—which also includes a podcast.

Michele brings her experience as a parent, academic training, and professional work to bring more tools and understanding to “better show up” for neurodivergent children. I learned so much listening to Michele.

Michele also talks about her gay daughter Brielle who recently graduated college. She talks about working through autism, anxiety, and dark times around her sexual orientation—to now a thriving daughter who is doing much good in the world with her college work and her plans for a PhD.

Michele talks about the correlation between neurodivergent children and not being straight—but she clearly points out that being neurodivergent is a diagnosis while not being straight is who people are. And ending being neurodivergent doesn’t change someone sexual orientation/gender identity.

Michele also talks about the journey to love and support her daughter Brielle as she has stepped away from the Church and rebuilding their relationship in new and thoughtful ways.

Thank you, Michele, for being on the podcast and your wonderful work in our community. I encourage all parents (even without neurodivergent children) to listen to this podcast to learn how we can better love and support others.

Podcast Links:


Instagram: @navigating.the.spectrum

Ministering to LGBTQ Latter-day Saints Facebook Group:

Richard Ostler Book: Embracing LGBTQ Latter-day Saints:
Deseret Book:
