My friend Loren G. Dalton (former LDS Mission President) joins us to talk about his new book called “You ARE Receiving Revelation - Now Act on It”.
In the podcast, Loren shares both the theology of this doctrine and practical application (including powerful stories) to make this real in our lives.

Brother Dalton spoke on this subject at an Ensign College devotional (see link below).

I encourage everyone to check out Brother Dalton’s book. When you do, you will find that I am one of the book endorsements at the front of his book.

So many people struggle with either believing they aren't getting revelation or in learning how to better recognize it when it comes. I believe this book will help each of us better see, understand, and apply personal revelation in our lives, in addition to helping us learn how to recognize and avoid promptings from the adversary. If you have been struggling to find a great Mother's Day gift, this book could be your answer!

Thank you, Loren, for your great work in our community. Honored to have you on the podcast!

Podcast Links:

Ensign College Devotional:

Amazon Book link:

(Note: Brother Dalton's book is also available at Cedar Fort, Deseret Book, Seagull Book, Barnes & Noble and other fine sellers).

Brother Dalton's e-mail: [email protected]