My friend Stephen Monsen (Richfield Utah native, Wichita Kansas RM) joins us to bravely share his story. Stephen divides his story into four parts:

The early years: Figuring out at age 17 he is gay and the immense shame he felt about his attractions.

College freshman year: Intense loneliness, depression, some self-harm and coming out to this Bishop (good experience). Stephen talks about how his second semester was much better and turning in his mission papers.

Mission: Stephen talks about his mission experience including serving others, companion experiences, improving his relationship with Heavenly Father, and coming out to his Mission President (good experience). He also talks about how the mission helped him accept being gay.

Post Mission: Coming out to family (good experience), working with Heavenly Father to figure out his future, what he would know say to his 17-year-old self.

I was deeply moved listening to Stephen and his deep maturity, his courage, and his desire to help others. I am so glad I felt impressed to reach out to Stephen to share his story. If you are LGBTQ or working to better support a LGBTQ friend or family member, this episode will help you.

Thank you, Stephen, for sharing your story. It will help so many. You have a great life ahead of you.

Podcast Links:

Ministering to LGBTQ Latter-day Saints Facebook Group

Richard Ostler Book: Embracing LGBTQ Latter-day Saints:

Deseret Book:
