My friends Hunter Steele (Age 24, BYU Journalism Major, Kennewick Washington RM) and his mother Amie Steele (married mother of three) join us to share their story.

Hunter starts with his story growing up in Nephi, Utah (student body president of his high school) trying to reconcile his sexual orientation in a very heteronormative environment. Hunter talks about his mission (good experience) and then returning home realizing he was still attracted to men. Hunter talks about doing all things “with God” in his journey which led him to come out to his therapist and parents (both good experiences). Hunter then talks about why he came out publicly. This is a powerful—Spirit led—story.

Amie shares her story of Hunter coming out to her (she didn’t ever suspect he was gay) and he journey to love and support Hunter. She talks about relying to Christ, prayer ,and scripture study to navigate this road. They share coming out to extended family and friends and the support and love they are receiving.

This is one of the finest podcasts we’ve done—especially to have both a parent and her son who is gay jointly sharing their story. I was deeply moved listening to Hunter and Amie and believe their story will help you.

I encourage you to listen to this podcast and share it with others. Their story will help so many.

Thank you, Hunter and Amie, for sharing your story!

Podcast links:

Hunter’s coming out post:

Hunter’s Instagram reel with his journal entry:

Ministering to LGBTQ Latter-day Saints Facebook Group

Richard Ostler Book: Embracing LGBTQ Latter-day Saints:
Deseret Book: