My friend Taylor Smith (married father of 5, active LDS, born in Canada, lives in Maryland) joins us to share an extended version of a talk he gave in Church back in September 2022 about his journey to better see, mourn and support those in our Church who may have a harder road to walk (women, black members, LGBTQ members, those with honest questions, etc). Taylor talks about how in recent years he has experienced a paradigm shift that has allowed him to more genuinely love and support these individuals—amongst some wrestling’s of his own—while he stays a committed Latter-day Saint.

Taylor shares quotes from church leaders, scriptures, and gospel principles about how we can better create Zion—and move from saying theoretically that there is a place for everyone in the church, towards actually creating that place in reality. He becomes emotional at times when he shares some of his experiences of listening and sitting with the pain of those walking a harder road.

It is hard to put into a podcast description the power for Taylor’s message. All I can say is, if you are working through a faith crisis, looking to create more space in our congregations, looking to create Zion, or looking to better support marginalized Latter-day Saints, please listen to Taylor’s powerful talk. I was deeply moved.

Thank you, Taylor and your wife Judy, for all the good you are both doing in our church community. Thank you for your willingness to be vulnerable and helping to better love, understand and support others. You are making a difference.

If you would like to contact Taylor, his e-mail address is [email protected]

Podcast Links:
Taylor’s talk via DropBox: