My friend Gene Grant (late 60s, served two missions, married father of four, former Mayor, Attorney ) shares his sometimes-painful journey as a liberal Latter-day Saint.

Gene has the long view of being on this road and has seen a lot of positive change and improvements. He has also had some very difficult experiences—including the threat (after his second mission) of having his temple privileges removed.

If you are a liberal Latter-day Saint looking for tools, perspectives, and reasons to stay in the Church—this podcast will help you. And if you are a conservative leader/member looking to build Zion where we are stronger using our diversity to bless and lift others, this podcast will help you.

This is not a podcast to change your political views—rather Gene sharing his 5 decades of experience to help us better love, see and support each other as Latter-day Saints working to Gather Israel and build Zion.

Thank you, Gene, for being on the podcast. Your story personally blessed and help me and will do the same for many others!

** Please Check Out My New Book (Listen, Learn and Love: Improving Latter-day Saint Culture; link below) which has a chapter on this subject **

Deseret Book:
