My friend Koji Aoki (Age 27, RM, Married, Grad School) joins us to talk about his 10+ year journey to understand and then solve his porn use. Koji (who is a long-time family friend) talks about how his porn use started, how it became a habit and then how he stopped using porn to serve a mission (Lima, Peru North). Yes, Koji got clean for his mission but lacked the tools to see and solve the root of his porn use.

Koji talks about life after his mission and how porn came back into his life as a copying mechanism which led to immense feelings of shame. Those feelings a shame and depression led to an attempted suicide that allowed Koji to fully open up to his parents and get more help. It also led to direct revelation in a powerful moment of “you are enough”.

Koji (who has completed two full iron man triathlons including Kona, HI) talks about connecting with Sara Brewer ( and the added tools and insights that allowed Koji to end porn use. Koji also talks how he is grateful for this whole journey because of the added Christlike attribute to help others. Koji, married in September 2021, talks about opening up to his now wife Kenley on the second date about his porn use and how they navigated that road together.

This is one of the finest podcasts we’ve done to end porn use. If you are working to end porn use, looking to avoid it in the first place, or looking for better tools to help others—please listen to this podcast.

Thank you, my friend Koji, for being on the podcast. Respect. Thanks for bringing light and hope too so many! You can reach Koji at [email protected].