My friend Sadi Rogers (age 32, EMT, mother of 3) shares her story as a gay Latter-day Saint. Sadi talks about growing up in Arizona, realizing she has romantic feelings for women, being honest with her Bishop and eventually marrying a man.

Sadi talks about the goodness of that marriage (lasted 11 years) which eventually ended. Sadi then talks about her desire to be single and fully participate in the Church. That changed when Sadi met and then fell in love with her now wife Quinn Kelly—including personal revelation this was her path.

While I invite everyone to follow Church teachings, I share stories of LGBTQ Latter-day Saints on their own unique paths to help us better support others. Neither Sadi or I are inviting others to follow Sadi’s path—but we are inviting us to come together as the same human family to love and support each other and leave judgement to our Savior and His perfect understanding.

Thank you for your courage to be on the podcast Sadi and share your story. You are a wonderful person doing much good in this world. I’m glad you have Quinn in your life. You both have my love and support.

For more stories of LGBTQ Latter-day Saint women, please check out Meghan Decker’s book (referenced in the podcast) at

** Please Check Out My LGBTQ Book At: **
Deseret Book:


** Want to develop church-supported LGBTQ activities in your local area? Please join our FB group below **