My friend Isabelle Wheeler (age 23, UVU student, RM) bravely shares their journey as a nonbinary Latter-day Saint. Isabelle talks about their early life, college, serving a mission (Fort Lauderdale, FL), and their experiences following their mission.

If you are nonbinary or transgender, Isabelle’s insights and experience will help you. If you are a parent or local leader trying to better support nonbinary or transgender Latter-day Saints, Isabelle’s story will help you.

Thank you, Isabelle for your courage to be on the podcast. I was deeply moved hearing your experiences and gospel insights. You are remarkable and our Church is better with you as a member.

Links mentioned in the podcast:

Deseret News Article:

LGBTQ Workshop Panel with Trans and Nonbinary Students: June 15th, Utah Valley University Institute, 7 pm, 785 College Dr, Orem, UT 84058

Chapter 8 from Richard Ostler’s Book:

Great podcast from Questions for the Closet on Gender Dysphoria:

** Please Check Out My LGBTQ Book At: **
Deseret Book:


** Want to develop church-supported LGBTQ activities in your local area? Please join our FB group below **