My friend Taryn Hiatt, Area Director Utah/Nevada American Foundation for Suicide Prevention, joins us to talk about suicide prevention.

Taryn (who has been working in this space for over 20 years after her father Terry who died by suicide in 2002) talks about the various organizations available to those considering suicide, those working to prevent suicide, and support for suicide loss survivors. Taryn has great insights into the scope of these organizations and how they all work together for the common goal of suicide prevention.

Taryn also shares her own journey as a survivor of being sexually assaulted and suicide attempts. For Taryn this isn’t theoretical—rather since she is walking this road—Taryn has real-life and practical insights to give hope and healing. Taryn talks about the “dark night of the soul” and finding hope that dawn will come. Her story is deeply moving and will help you.

She also talks about how to better support our LGBTQ friends.

If you are considering suicide or working to help others, please listen to this podcast. Taryn’s insights will help you.

Thank you, Taryn, for being on the podcast and all your great work in our community to saves lives and bring more understanding. You are a hero to me and many others!

Here are resources mentioned in the podcast:

Suicide Prevention Hot Line: 1-800-273-8255
Trans Suicide Hot Line: (877) 565-8860 or

Trevor Project: 866-488-7386

David Archuleta Love Loud:

June 24th LGBTQ Suicide Prevention Event at University of Utah:

Link to support a loved one after an attempt: and this recording and

Link to support you after your attempt and coming home: