My friend Susie White (married mother of 4, early 50’s) shares her journey with PMDD (Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder) and PME (Premenstrual Exacerbation) which is very different that Premenstrual syndrome (PMS). Susie, by bravely sharing her story, helps us understand what this is; how it impacts mental health and can lead to suicidal ideation; how it is not a spiritual weakness; how it is diagnosed; and how to get help.

Please check out for more information.

Susie mentions Christina Bohn Rudd who died from suicide with PMDD (the obituary of this remarkable women can be read at: and the work for her mother Marybeth to bring more understanding. Her obituary includes this section:

Christina suffered from premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD), which can become more serious the longer it is undiagnosed and untreated. We feel compelled to share the importance of seeking help for premenstrual disorders. Many women and AFAB individuals are misdiagnosed and struggle to get appropriate help for many years. For information on PMDD, and if you would like to donate in lieu of flowers, please visit

Susie, a committed Latter-day Saint, also talks about how we can improve our culture to better support women and their families. Susie’s husband Tim also joins us to give insights about how men can support their spouses with PMDD.

Thank you, Susie for being on the podcast and for bringing light and understanding to PMDD and PME. You are doing live-saving work!

** Please check out my new book that has a chapter about mental health: or**