My friend Eli McCann (age 37, Ukraine RM, Lawyer, Married Skylar in 2019) shares his journey. Eli starts with the pre-mission years, his Ukraine mission (good experience), and his journey following his mission where he was forced to finally face the reality of being gay and how that looks at a Latter-day Saint. Eli shares the terror and anxiety he felt during these years which led to Eli coming out in late 2013 (age 29) and concluding his best path forward is a committed same-sex marriage where we could build/share his life with someone.

Eli also talks about his love of Ukraine and the fundraiser that he organized (along with many others) in March 2022 to help raise over $150,000 for the people of Ukraine. Thank you for your continued efforts to bless lives in Ukraine.

Thank you, Eli for being on the podcast. Your story helps us see each other as members of the same human family and principles that help us love, honor and support everyone on their respective paths—where we have unity in diversity. You are a really good man with many wonderful gifts to bless and help others.

You can find Eli on FB, Instagram (@eliwmccann) and Twitter (@elimccann). You can also check out his work mentioned in the podcast at and

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Deseret Book:


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