My brother and friend David Ostler; Author of Bridges: Ministering to Those Who Question which is available at Deseret Book ( and Amazon (; join us to talk about a new chapter in his book.

This new chapter discusses how marriages can stay together—and even thrive—when one spouse chooses to step away from the Church. The gospel bases principals in this chapter also apply when an adult child steps away from the Church.

This chapter is free to download at and will be included in a future edition of his book. There is also a free guide to download at this site to help leaders talk in the councils and presidencies about how to minister to those who question.

We all have people in our lives who have stepped away from the Church. David’s book and new chapter help us keep the family circle together and preserve the relationship—even with people we love not participating in the Church.

David’s book also helps us better understand the reasons who someone leaves the Church—perhaps understanding these reasons (and discussing this at Church and in our families) helps some stay as we develop better ministering tools. David’s research points out that most in a faith transition do want to find a way to authentically stay in the Church.

David also talks about “Circles” and how this program helps develop better communication tools to have meaningful discussions with those who believe differently. David has led over 20 of these Circles and I encourage you to check this out and possible participate (via Zoom). You can learn more at

Thank you, my good brother for your efforts to “heal our divide” and create Zion.