My friend Adam Garrett (RM, BYU Grad, Physician Assistant, Active LDS) shares his story as a gay Latter-day Saint. Adam came out publicly in June 2021 via this FB post:

Adam talks about what he is learning, personal revelation he is receiving, scriptures and Church leader quotes that are helpful. Adam also shares great insights on the difference between shame and guilt and how to find hope and purpose.

Adam talks about the possible roads he can choose as a gay Latter-day Saint and how to best support LGBTQ Latter-day Saints. Adam includes helpful suggestions to allies—and for all of us to better come together to create Zion, and help to make sure everyone feels like they belong in an LDS congregation.

Thank you Adam for being on the podcast. Even after 500 episodes, I continue to be struck with additional insights that LGBTQ Latter-day Saints have about the gospel of Jesus Christ and how to better bring us together as the same human family. Your podcast will help many. You are a good man with a wonderful future.

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Deseret Book:


** Want to develop church-supported LGBTQ activities in your local area? Please join our FB group below **