My friend Smith Alley braving shares his 5-year experience with pornography—why it started, why he didn’t tell anyone, and what finally helped him stop, and why he is sharing this story. Smith also helps us understand the role of our Savior and His atonement, his parents, why we need to see ourselves as enough now.

Smith talks to those who are suicidal to give them hope and perspective. Please stay my friends.

Smith talks about deciding to talk about his pornography use which has led to speaking to 1000s and 1000s across the United States and to start a non-profit ( and a company called PROTECHT ( with a goal to kids all over the world.

You can connect with Smith on IG at and @protechtstrong

Thank you, Smith for being on the podcast and your life-saving work. I was deeply moved hearing your story. You are doing great work to bring hope, healing and better tools and understanding to help others.

** Please check out my new book that has a chapter about solving pornography: or**