My friend Jaxon George (chemistry student at Dixie State University, RM) bravely shares his story. Jaxon starts with his childhood including a brother with Spina Bifida and Lincoln logs. Jaxon then opens up about gay pornography use in his youth and realizing he is gay (Jaxon points out that pornography use didn’t make him gay).

In High School, Jaxon worked tirelessly (swim team, college classes, etc.) to kind of escape and/or overcompensate for the realities of his life. That dissonance led Jaxon to consider suicide during high school.

Jaxon shares how he was able to get out of that dark spot and find hope and purpose in his life along with the love and hope he felt from his Heavenly Father and Savior. Jaxon talks about starting to come out in High School (mostly positive experience), helping to ease the dissonance as he became authentic.

Jaxon talks about the role of poetry and authentic connection with men to help end his pornography use.

Jaxon talks about his decision to serve a mission, his mission in Japan being cut short by COVID, and his hope and plans for the future.

If you are in a dark place—if you feel no one is like you or walking a similar road—if you feel suicidal, please listen to this podcast. Jaxon’s story—based on gospel principles—will help you!

Thank you, Jaxon for your courage to be on the podcast. Respect for being real, honest and vulnerable. Your story will help many. You have a great life ahead of you.

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