My friends Brittany and Maeve Sechrist (married with three children) share their story with Maeve coming out to Brittany as transgender in July of 2021. Maeve shares feeling gender dysphoria for many years and what led her to finally come out to her wife.

Brittany shares her reaction and subsequent journey to love, learn and support Maeve and how their marriage is strong, healthy and full of hope.

Brittany and Maeve share the things they are learning, commitment to the Church, personal revelation, expectations for allies, and hope for their future. Their story is a beautiful love story.

If you want to learn about and better support transgender Latter-day Saints, please listen to this podcast. It helped me and I believe will help you. If you are transgender and need hope for your future, this podcast will help you.

Thank you Brittany and Maeve for being on the podcast and the courage to share your story. Great job my friends!

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