My friend Steve Haworth, who joined the church in Sept 2020 at age 41, shares his story. Steve, who came out at age 17, has been looking for a church that provides the best path for Steve’s desire to find a home as a gay believer in Heavenly Father and Jesus.

Steve shares his positive experience with his missionaries (told them he was gay early in the teaching process), why our restored doctrine resonates with him, how he is navigating being gay and LDS, and how we can better support LGBTQ Latter-day Saints.

Steve has started a website at to support LGBTQ Latter-day Saints.

Thank you Steve for being on the podcast and sharing your remarkable and faith building story. You are helping us build Zion. Your story and ministry is helping many!

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Deseret Book:


** Want to develop church-supported LGBTQ activities in your local area? Please join our FB group below. **