My friend Kim Siever zooms us from Lethbridge, Alberta, to share his story. Kim, who is Canadian, served a mission in Utah and is now an independent journalist.

He tells us his lifelong journey to understand his sexual orientation after being convinced for over 40 years that he was straight. He also shares how the Spirt helped him understand this part of him, and he came out as queer to his wife, family, and friends only last year.

Kim came out to his Latter-day Saint congregation during a Fast and Testimony Meeting in early August and explains why he felt impressed to do that and the reaction of ward members. Kim feels no shame in being both queer and a Latter-day Saint and sees them as two parts of the same identity.

Kim’s podcast is very insightful, and I hope it will help us understand there are LGBTQ Latter-day Saints of all ages and how we can better support them as we try to create a feeling of belonging within the church. Thank you for being on the podcast, Kim. Respect for sharing your story that helps all of us better come together as the Body of Christ. Great job!

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