My friend Devin Wilde (Scotland Ireland RM, SLC Native) bravely shares his story as a gay Latter-day Saint. Devin talks about growing up knowing he was gay from a very young age. Devin also talks about his mental health and pornography use during his pre-mission years and how he stop pornography use after a visit with his Bishop.

Devin talks about his mission and then leaving his mission after about 17 months and returning home because of infield transgressions. He talks about the despair he felt, the shame, the anger at God --- and then how he was able to find peace and hope. Devin talks about dating men and eventually losing temple privileges. But he talks about great priesthood leaders who love him, create no shame, and working with him in a positive way that is helping Devin stay in the Church (currently working towards regaining temple privileges). Devin also talks about the great role of his mom and siblings in his life.

Devin, with the help of his life coach Todd Sylvester (a dear friend) is helping Devin to “own your story or your story will own you” and how to not “be ruled by fear”.

If you want to find hope as a LGBTQ Latter-day Saint, please listen to Devin’s podcast. Thank you Devin for being on the podcast. Your courage to be so honest and vulnerable. It helps so many. Respect. You have a great life ahead of you!