My friend Tate LeBaron (active LDS, in his late 20s) shares the day four years ago when he almost died by suicide and what helped him out of that hopeless and dark place.

Tate starts the podcast by reading a Facebook post from May 2021 (

Tate also bravely shares about this battle with pornography and how that came into his life and what steps he took to remove it from his life.

If you are working to solve porn, feel you have no worth, are suicidal and have feel everyone would be better off with out you, PLEASE listen to the podcast. Tate has been there. He can give you hope, tools, and feel the love from our Heavenly Parents to move forward in your life and have hope that your best days are ahead of you.

You are also welcome to read my Ensign article about solving pornography (

Thank you Tate for being on the podcast and your courage to share your story which is helping so many have hope for their future. You can reach Tate at [email protected]