My friends Elin and Randy Dastrup join us to talk about Randy’s life-long battle of feeling broken and having no worth. This partly resulted from being a survivor of childhood sexual abuse. Randy (who served a mission in Puerto Rico) talks about his battles with pornography and having an affair.

Elin and Randy share the moment Randy told Elin about the affair, how they kept their marriage together, and the role of the Atonement of Jesus Christ to heal and give hope. They recognize some marriages end, but share how their marriage survived and is now thriving – party because Randy finally addressed and solved his feelings of brokenness and having no worth.

Elin wrote a novel based on the experience (see and there is additional information on the book's Facebook page at They discuss the novel and how one family uses the Light of Christ to show compassion and humility to conquer the trials of pornography and infidelity.

Please listen to this podcast and read their book to better understand how to apply the Atonement of Jesus Christ in our lives, work through difficult situations, and find more hope.

Thank you Elin and Randy for being on the podcast. You two are two of my new heroes!