My friend David (gay) and Ann (straight) Rickey share their journey. David, who kept the shame of his sexual orientation to himself for over 40 years, decided the time was right to come out to Ann in 2012 while serving as a Bishop in Nevada. Ann and David talk about the difficult and painful days that followed—but the joy, happiness and peace that is now in their marriage and lives. It is a beautiful love story. They also talk about the wonderful support from their adult children. Ann talks about how she would not change anything about David—including his sexual orientation because she doesn’t see this as something that is broken and needs to be fixed.

David and Ann recently returned from serving a mission in Hawaii and now live in Draper Utah.

If you want insights into how to better live the gospel and support others, please listen to this podcast. It will inspire you. You can read more about David’s story here and Ann’s story here

Thank you David and Ann for the courage to be on the podcast. You are two of my new heroes—and for your work to help teach us how to be more loving and inclusive.

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