My friend Rosie Card joins us to talk about improving the experience for those attending the temple for the first time with her new online book called “House of Light: Your Guide to the Temple”.

Rosie’s book “takes you by the hand” to understand the various stops starting at the recommend desk til leaving the temple. Rosie also, which is consistent with latest Church teachings, talks about understanding and preparing for the five covenants made during the temple and to more fulling engage in the spiritual aspects of the temple.

I wish I had Rosie’s book while serving as a YSA Bishop and for my own children’s temple preparation.

You can purchase the book (digital download only) at

Rosie also shares her feelings and insights into Heavenly Mother and Her role in her (and our) lives and why Rosie is a committed Latter-day Saint. You can find Rosie on Instagram @Q.Noor and @rosiecard

Thanks for being on the podcast Rosie. You are awesome and have a beautiful and unique life mission. Keep being you!