My friends Fiona and Terryl join us to introduce their new book “All Things New: Rethinking Sin, Salvation, and Everything in Between”. Fiona and Terryl authored three other books: The God Who Weeps, The Christ Who Heals, and The Crucible of Doubt.

This book talks about our beautiful restored doctrine and how to better apply it in our lives to heal our woundedness, have more hopeful view of the future, power of Heavenly Parents whose love is unconditional, and how to better love everyone.

I encourage all our listeners to buy this book and listen to this podcast. I promise you it will give you more peace, hope, and better use the Atonement of Jesus to heal from the woundedness that we all experience as part of mortality.

The book is available at Deseret Book ( and Amazon (

Thanks for being on the podcast and for your important work to bring hope, healing and unity.