My friend Hayden Paul (age 24, married, United States Marine) shares his story with pornography. Hayden, who started viewing porn at age 13, shares using daily before his mission, being free from pornography during his mission to Budapest Hungry, but then relapsing soon after his mission.

Hayden’s YSA Stake President, Jordan Clements, developed a ‘modified addiction recovery’ which was key to ending Hayden’s porn use. Hayden spoke in his YSA Stake Conference about this topic and each Elder Quorum. Hayden has become a key mentor to help others solve pornography.

Hayden’s story is in this Church News article:

I’ve had hundreds of interviews with YSA’s about porn and several podcasts on this topic. However, Hayden’s insights, tools, analogies, and use of the Atonement of Jesus Christ bring a unique and fresh perspective to this topic. You can reach Hayden at [email protected]

Please listen to this podcast on solving porn. If will help you as a parent, local church leader or someone who wants to solve porn.

Please also check out my October Ensign Article on this topic (page 72 or

Thank you Hayden for being on the podcast and for the great work you and President Clements did in the Murray YSA Stake. You have a great life mission to bring hope, better tools and belief others can end pornography use.