On this week's show, Array of Hope creator Mario Costabile joins us to discuss how dynamic virtual retreats and events like "Rise Up" can draw the Church closer to God and one another. About Mario Costabile: Mario Costabile is the Executive Director of Array of Hope. A devout Catholic and family man, Mario has been a successful producer for music, film, and television for over 35 years, having worked for such organizations as MTV, VH1, Discovery Channel, Sony Music, and Def Jam Records. Mario is committed to utilizing his talents to do God's will in the development of Array of Hope and its vision to unite families and help them grow closer to God. About Array of Hope: Array of Hope has created "Rise Up", a one-of-a-kind digital event personalized for parishes, schools, and other Catholic organizations seeking to catechize and evangelize in a COVID-19 reality. Rise Up provides a remote experience that is dynamic, inspirational, and interactive, making the attendee truly part of the event. It enables parishes or dioceses to plan with more stability in the midst of the uncertainties of what reopening will look like. 

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