Episode 0x37

Two Guys !HTML

It's completely unreasonable for me to ask that they come up with a short pithy paragraph to start off the show notes. Of course, I'm fairly certain that no one refers to these notes anyways.

Upcoming this week...

Lots of News
SCADA / Cyber, cyber... etc.
finishing it off with DERPs/Mailbag (or Deep Dive)
And there are weekly Briefs - no arguing or discussion allowed

And if you've got commentary, please sent it to [email protected] for us to check out.

DISCLAIMER: It's not that explicit, but you may want to use headphones if you're at work.

ADDITIONAL DISCLAIMER: In case it is unclear, this is the story of 5 opinionated infosec pros who have sufficient opinions of their own they don't need to speak for anyone except themselves. Ok? Good.

In this episode:

News and Commentary

GitHub undergoing a massive automated brute force attack GitHub blog post announcement
Police set poor example by paying $750 CryptoLocker ransom
China get's more with the censorship
Silverlight users beware (That means you Netflix watchers)


Cupid Media dating website exposes 42 million plaintext passwords Krebs reporting on it.
Dave Maclure's email gets breached

SCADA / Cyber, cyber... etc

FBI says the .gov has been breached lots
Stuxnet's twin


Jeremy Hammond gets nailed with a 10 year sentence
LG Smart TVs logging USB filenames and viewing info to LG servers
Idiot steals NATO data to prove a point - goes to jail

Mailbag / Deep Dive

Dear Liquidmatrix Why won't they PATCH THE VULNS!!!!???? So many vulns!!!! unpatched vulns survivor


Hacker Opsec
Go Dave Kennedy Go!

Liquidmatrix Staff Projects -- gratuitous self-promotion

The Security Conference Library
Contribute to the Strategic Defense Execution Standard (#SDES) and you'll be Doing Infosec Right in no time.
If you're interested in helping out with openCERT.ca, drop a line to [email protected]

Upcoming Appearances:  -- more gratuitous self-promotion

Dave: - At a Chiropracter near you!
James: - In the United States
Ben: - Cyloning
Matt: - Possibly Seattle soon and AppSec California
Wil: - Acting!
Other LSD Writers: - What's that again?

Advertising - pay the bills...

Signing up for a SANS course? Be sure to use the code "Liquidmatrix_150" and save $150 off the course fee! And Liquidmatrix_5 for 5% off a course
Seacrest Says: Rob Ford is my homeboy

Creative Commons license: BY-NC-SA

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