Liquid Gold Season 6 kicks off exploring different methods of preparation and the history of the cold-weather classic, The Hot Toddy.

Liquid Gold kicks off Season 6 with an exploration of the drink of the season, the Hot Toddy. Hosts Mike and Kenneth are joined by new voice of the show Sophia Brand, exploring different methods of preparation and the history of the cold-weather classic. They enjoy their own Rye Hot Toddy on the program, made with the new Nelson Brothers Rye Whiskey. Then they discuss British tea traditions and methods with Sophia, the Queen and Colonel Sanders, and the culture shock regarding her move stateside years ago. For Booze News, Kenneth discusses Kate Middleton’s ridiculously named new cocktail, her real favorite beverage, 5,000 year old wine discovered in Egypt, provides a very short update on celebrity booze adventures, and the tale of the ghost that forced someone to do three shots of whiskey. Bonus recipe: Mezcal Hot Toddies all around.

Cheer: A Liquid Gold Holiday Drinking Guide is available now! Pick up a copy ASAP!

Music by Upright T-Rex Music.
Logo by Jess Machen