Guest Erin Barnett of Spirit Animal Co-Op joins for a *spirited* discussion around sidestepping dry January by embracing Dry Ginuary.

Hosts Mike and Kenneth sidestep dry January pitfalls and invite spirits expert Erin Barnett of Spirit Animal Co-Op on the show to discuss “Dry Ginuary,” an ambitious project in which a group of beverage professionals try a new gin every day in January. Erin brings 5 of her favorite gins from this January, including West coast citrus-forward gins, German Riesling-infused gin, and an award-winning stunner from Mississippi. All the gin serves as a truth serum, as the discussion turns towards the future of drinking, beverage printers in the home, gin and tonics before bed with the Royal family, and what America is really fighting over. Also discussed: Were Magnolia trees the first sentient being?

Music by Upright T-Rex Music.
Logo by Jess Machen