Here are Elizabeth Taylor and Montgomery Clift at their hottest, with an adaptation of Theodore Dreiser’s An American Tragedy. Just as in Night of the Hunter, Shelley Winters maybe ought to watch her back. George Stevens directs, and here, he’s beginning his epic period. In the 50s, he’ll direct Giant and Shane, among others. This one is full of melodrama and social aspiration and also has a bunch of Oscars, including Stevens’ first for directing. It’s nice to look at.

Shelly Brisbin with Randy Dotinga, Nathan Alderman and Micheline Maynard.

Here are Elizabeth Taylor and Montgomery Clift at their hottest, with an adaptation of Theodore Dreiser’s An American Tragedy. Just as in Night of the Hunter, Shelley Winters maybe ought to watch her back. George Stevens directs, and here, he’s beginning his epic period. In the 50s, he’ll direct Giant and Shane, among others. This one is full of melodrama and social aspiration and also has a bunch of Oscars, including Stevens’ first for directing. It’s nice to look at.

A Place in the Sun

Shelly Brisbin with Randy Dotinga, Nathan Alderman and Micheline Maynard

Referenced Works

A Place in the Sun

Show Notes & Links

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The Movie: review/commentary on a single classic film

A Place in the Sun trailer

Available to stream, rent or buy digitally
On disc: Blu-ray

The Self-Referential LTS

LTS #87 87 The Barbara Stanwyck Of Five-Year-Olds
LTS #8 Cornelia Is Trash. Or She’s Not!
LTS #52 If Douglas Sirk Made Friday The 13th

Next time, we’ll watch

Employees’ Entrance trailer

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