Unlike the mid-40s film that first brought us Bogie and Bacall, The Breaking Point is a relatively faithful adaptation of Ernest Hemingway’s story, To Have and Have Not. This one stars John Garfield (in one of his final films) and Patricia Neal. Michael Curtiz directs, but if that suggests a routine Warner Bothers potboiler (I love those) it is not. Garfield is a boat captain talked into doing some smuggling. There’s a love triangle and an ending that’ll just wrench you.

Shelly Brisbin with Randy Dotinga and Nathan Alderman.

Unlike the mid-40s film that first brought us Bogie and Bacall, The Breaking Point is a relatively faithful adaptation of Ernest Hemingway’s story, To Have and Have Not. This one stars John Garfield (in one of his final films) and Patricia Neal. Michael Curtiz directs, but if that suggests a routine Warner Bothers potboiler (I love those) it is not. Garfield is a boat captain talked into doing some smuggling. There’s a love triangle and an ending that’ll just wrench you.

The Breaking Point

Shelly Brisbin with Randy Dotinga and Nathan Alderman

Referenced Works

The Breaking Point (1951)

Show Notes & Links

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The Movie: review/commentary on a single classic film

The Breaking Point trailer

Available to stream, rent or buy digitally
On disc: Criterion Blu-ray

The Self-Referential LTS

LTS #73 73 Manly Seamanship)
LTS #23 23 A Perfect Spherical Cow
LTS #99 A Numerical Scale Of Trash Men

Next time, we’ll watch

An American in Paris trailer

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