The Summer of Sturges continues with a movie that’s not in a class with The Lady Eve. But we still need to talk about it. World-renown conductor Rex Harrison suspects his much younger wife (Linda Darnell) of cheating on him, and he dreams up three different ways to punish her for it.

Shelly Brisbin with Erika Ensign, David J. Loehr and Randy Dotinga.

The Summer of Sturges continues with a movie that’s not in a class with The Lady Eve. But we still need to talk about it. World-renown conductor Rex Harrison suspects his much younger wife (Linda Darnell) of cheating on him, and he dreams up three different ways to punish her for it.

Unfaithfully Yours (1948)

Shelly Brisbin with Erika Ensign, David J. Loehr and Randy Dotinga

Referenced Works

Unfaithfully Yours (1948)

Show Notes & Links

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The Movie: review/commentary on a single classic film

Unfaithfully Yours trailer

Available to stream, rent or buy digitally
On disc: Criterion DVD

Next time, we’ll watch

Hail the Conquering Hero trailer

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