Michael Hall has worked for companies like Canonical, EndlessOS and currently works for the Linux Foundation on a project called EdgeXFoundry. He is an open source enthusiast and a wonderful community member that puts the community first! Michael is also currently working on the gettogether.community project!
GitHub (https://github.com/mhall119)
Website (https://mhall119.com/)
Arduino Snap (https://snapcraft.io/arduino-mhall119)
Twitter (https://twitter.com/mhall119)
Mastodon (https://fosstodon.org/@mhall119)
Ubuntu Wiki (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/mhall119)
Gettogether.community (https://gettogether.community/)
Patreon (https://www.patreon.com/mhall119)
This episode would not have been possible without the great help I received from my friend Adam Grubbs. Thank you Adam!

Michael Hall has worked for companies like Canonical, EndlessOS and currently works for the Linux Foundation on a project called EdgeXFoundry. He is an open source enthusiast and a wonderful community member that puts the community first! Michael is also currently working on the gettogether.community project!



Arduino Snap



Ubuntu Wiki



This episode would not have been possible without the great help I received from my friend Adam Grubbs. Thank you Adam!

Twitter Mentions