GitLab to delete dormant repos then does a 180° • Gitea working on federation support • NixOS has a GUI installer


🍴 GitLab to delete dormant repositories in free accounts then reversed that decision the next day

🖥 ️NixOS 22.05 has a graphical installer that Mike and Conor tried

Calamares installer

Nix package manager

Conor enjoyed 🦅 Garuda Linux

Mike and Amolith play with Neovide, a ✨ flashy ✨ GUI frontend for Neovim

🍵 Gitea, a self-hosted git forge, is very actively working on ActivityPub federation

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May contain mature references


The music for this podcast was sampled from Bust This Bust That - Professor Kliq which was released under the CC BY NC SA License.