In Mark 9, Jesus is approached by a man whose son has an unclean spirit the disciples were not able to cast out. Through the course of the exchange the disciple asked why they couldn’t do what Jesus had done, and Jesus responded that some things are only possible through prayer and fasting. As we embark on the next forty days of prayer and fasting together as a church, I encourage you to start here with an overview of why we are doing what we are doing. Catch the vision of what it means to practice a spiritual discipline.

As we take this journey together as a church, I encourage you to visit There are resources available to help and train you in the practice of Prayer and Fasting. You can get connected with a Mentor to walk with you. You can share your stories of what is going on in your life through the forty days.

Finally, in this video, we refer back to a sermon on spiritual warfare. If you missed the message with Bill Smith and Brett, you can watch it here: