....Recovery from your addiction doesnt have to be a drag! Yet for those of us starting into the program - we carry with us our fears that once we discontinue our drinking our drugging habits - our lives will become a stale and unexciting life - Leaving us to finish the final days of our lives boring and bored. HAH! How wrong could we have been! 

Since "I" Sobered up and continued to work on improving MYSELF - I found my selfishness evaporating and disappearing - while my concerns for other became real - leading me into a life that I value today so very much! I am the President of our local Lions Club - in fact this will be my 4th time in our 15 years, and it has been gratifying as well, while this is only one of the many aspects of my productive life that I so love.

How about you? What ideas or things have you redirected your free time into? Call me and share your activities and ideas with those of us who could benefit from learning different ideas and receiving some real and genuine encouragement from those of you whose lives are now rich and full and most importantly - SATISFYING!  Our call in number is 323-580-5755 and our show airs from 7 PM on Sunday evenings Central Standard Time (Chicago Time)  I hope you can join us as we live one day at a time on our continuing journey into SOBRIETY.