...darkness - and into our day to day living. For too long we were afraid to let anyone know of our problems/issues as they related to our addictions.I have found through my personal experiences that talking about my issues - helps free me from the chains that bound me to fear, anger, and resentment. This coming week - we will be discussing about how WE ARE ONLY AS SICK AS OUR SECRETS. Do you have a secret? How does trying to keep it secret - restrict you from living a open and free life? DO you often struggle with the possibility that someone will find out this secret and if they do - OH MY GOSH THE SKY WILL COME CRASHING DOWN AND LIFE AS YOU KNOW IT WILL END!

Now we are NOT Doctors or Counselors, or Therapists, And opinions shared on this program are those speaking - however - what we can guarentee is - MOST OF US HAVE LIVED LIVES STRETCHED / BEATEN / PULLED & TORN BEYOND - what we thought we could handle. It was somewhere at this point - we reached out for help - not from Professionals (or maybe we did) however most of us found a way to escape these awkward feelings immersing ourselves into Drugs / Alcohol or one of an innumerous variety of addictions that almost consumed the balance of our lives.

WOULD YOU LIKE TO KNOW HOW WE DID IT? Believe it or not - YOU ARE NOT ALONE! Join us from 7 to 9 PM CST (Central Standard Time) April 17th, as we discuss the consequences of holding on to these secrets and what you can do to free yourself from these seemingly UNBREAKABLE CHAINS that truly BIND YOU/US!  Our number is 323-580-5755 or email us at [email protected] with questions/comments/stories of your own. WE WELCOME YOUR INPUT! Wanna find us easier? Go to www.Road2Recovery.club & follow the links.