Recovery isnt easy - but it is worth it! Just ask anyone enjoying a new way of life and living. ONE - DAY - AT - A - TIME!

Join us every Sunday evening from 7 to 9 PM CST (Central Standard Time) as we host candid discussions about what it was like to fall prey to our addiction/s - what happened to get us to face it and find help - and what life is like on a day to day basis living SOBER Lives.

Sober is living free from our addictions - and that is certainly better than to continue abusing the addiction. HOWEVER SOBRIETY is the Quality life we live Sober, and for this reason we continue to work a program to continually improve the Quality of our lives. 

We are NOT Doctors or Psychiatrists, or Counselors - just addicted people who escaped the initial grip of our addicitons. Our journey in Sobriety is not free of challenges - however we are evolving in our programa - growing beyond our appictions but ever realizing that the disease is only in check and not gone forever. Thus we remain vigilant in living our lives and live worry free - provided we maintin a healthy respect for our diseases..

Join us live or listen in - our phone call in number is 323-580-5755

I hope you will join us!