This week we are going to explore what it takes to be an effective Sponsor...ONE moment you are struggling to get & stay Sober - you make & KEEP your commitment to staying sober NO MATTER WHAT IT TAKES - you attend meetings regularly - you keep in constant contact with YOUR Sponsor - you particpate in meetings - perform Service work without request or reward... you're sincere in your quest to win this battle against "SELF WILL RUNNING RIOT" and then one day someone approaches you. They appear frail and beaten up - yet in a shy - feablest of voices manages to speak a few words which immediately cause your eyes to bug out of your head...They ask... "WILL YOU BE MY SPONSOR?" THEY WANT WHAT YOU HAVE!!

What do you do next? Well this may be God's way of letting you know that He is proud of you & sees great progress in your commitment to much so that HE wants you to share it with another human being. OR HE may have determined that HE wants you to strengthen YOUR Program in a certain manner or direction - thus HE directs this individual to seek your assistance... WHAT DO YOU DO NEXT?

This Sunday - SPONSORSHIP will be one of - if not "THE" Topic of discussion here on The ROAD TO RECOVERY. This is a LIVE Call-in talk show whose purpose is to help bring Recovery out of the Darkness of Denial & Criticism into the Light of LOVE & ACCEPTANCE. Our program airs EVERY SUNDAY EVENING FROM 7 to 9 PM CST (Central Standard Time)  as we CANDIDLY-OPENLY-HONESTLY share our personal EXPERIENCE STRENGTH and HOPE of Personal Recovery from our addicitions. WE ARE NOT DOCTORS or COUNSELORS or PYSCHIATRISTS or even PSYCHOLOGISTS. YET WE CAN HELP! OUR CALL-IN Number is 323-580-5755 We Welcome questions/comments/suggestions/ yes even criticisms. Remember "HELLO's & HUGS- ALL AROUND!" See you Sunday!