This coming week has been designated Heroin and Opiate Awareness Week September 19-23, 2016 by the FEDERAL Government due to the "EPIDEMIC" number of Deaths due to overdoses from Heroin & Opiates. Over 100 people die daily from overdoses and the number is climbing. What can we do to stem this tide?

Join us again this week as we review the past's weeks Guest "ANGALIA BIANCA" a Woman in Recovery from her addictions who has achieved recognition from the MAYOR OF CHICAGO for her efforts to help curb the Violence within the city and now who Consults with countries all over the world to aid in their own local battle from drugs/alcohol & violent crime. An Inspiration-to say the very least - ANGALIA has written a book which should be published in 2017 describing her own journey into the dark realm of alcohol abuse, drug addiction, PRISON & into RECOVERY & redemption. It sounds like it will be a BEST SELLING STORY to say the very least. ONE OF HOPE!

We will review this and other topics as they relate to Alcohol & Drug abuse, as well as other forms of NOT-EASILY DETECTABLE ADDICTIONS & ADDICTIVE BEHAVIOR. We are NOT Doctors or Counselors (Our Guests may be though), nor are we any type of Professional in the fields of Addiction - however WE ARE PEOPLE WHO FOUGHT OUR DEMONS AND FOUND A WAY OUT OF THE DARKNESS OF ADDICTIONS INTO THE LIGHT AND ACCEPTANCE OF RECOVERY. Why not come along and share our journey right alongside us as we spend 2 hours every Sunday evening from 7 to 9 PM CST (Central Standard Time) with candid discussions & Stories of Recovery. This is aa LIVE SHOW so please call-in with questions, comments or stories of your own 323-580-5755. We welcome all callers! Our website is to check out archived broadcasts of past shows.