Well - here we are starting the new week in Quarentine - and heading into a most uncertain and unique future. How are you handling the current way of life? Being directed to stay home and relax - some people are taking it to mean stay home and party - drinking and smoking marijuana - (Now that Illinois has legalized Pot smoking)  And what about you? What has this new way of living impacted your life? 

Join us Sunday noght from 7 PM as I take to the airwaves once again to review my past week in SOBRIETY and dicuss ways of managing to stay SOBER during thes emost uncertain times. 

The show is LIVE and We welcome callers to join in and share their very own experience - strength and hope - as we Live our lives ONE DAY AT A TIME... Our call in number is 323-580-5755or you can eail your questons durin the week to my personal email at   [email protected] PLEASE IDENTIFY  "THE ROAD TO RECOVERY" in the subject line to best ensure that I read your email.