When we first received Jesus Christ into our life by faith, God instilled a new hope and direction for our life.  We were excited to know more about God, about the Bible, about Jesus, and about how the Holy Spirit interacts with us.  We were enthusiastic about helping others and serving God and we told not a few people about our new life in Christ.  As the years go by, sometimes our faith and our relationship with God can hit a stall.  It is like a computer that slows down and then freezes; and all we can do is initiate a forced shutdown and reboot.  Join Chris, a long-time church pastor and fellow servant of God as he contemplates and reflects on how to gain a fresh approach toward the concept of faith.  The Christian life does not have to be dull and boring.  A new zest can be restored in our relationship with God.  We may discover far more than we could have ever anticipated.