...Gambling is just one of many SYMPTHOMS of our Addiction - Our Mental Health problem. Last week we discussed a litrtle about PTSD a topic that affects many people throughout the world and the numbers seem to be growing. Our addictions take form in various manners - Alcoholism, Drug Abuse, Gambling, Sex Addictions, Food abuse all different sympthons of our disease. And how do we deal with our disease of the mind?  Well that is the purpose of this show to enlighten people as well as to grow ourselves as we live ONE DAY AT A TIME learning more about ourselves and how to grow into the lives we were put here out this earth to live. Join us this coming Sundy and listen or cll in and share your very own Experience Strength and Hope Our call in number is 323-580-5755 and as our Callers Joe and Anna learned - NO ONE WILL BITE YOU! LOLOLOL

We will support and encourage you to talk and to grow through whatever issues you may be having in your life that relate to ADDICTIONS...''