Veterinarian Mental Health

Today, we start with our Healthy Living, Happy Life segment with Denise Stegall. This month's topic is : Understanding Menopause and Hormones

DRT discusses Veterinarian Mental Health with Dr Laura Catena. Two-thirds of veterinarians reported mental health concerns and feelings of depression, burnout, panic attacks, anxiety or compassion fatigue. Discover Rising Tides guest Dr. Laura Catena is the Founder and President of The ArmOR Hand Gloves

Dr. Catena developed The ArmOR Hand Animal Handling Gloves after a life-threatening injury she endured while working emergency medicine. ArmOR Hand is a compassionate glove, designed to allow for proper and safe restraint technique, without the use of force. The glove is used to safely handle animals, reduce injuries to humans, improve animal welfare, and advance the cause of wildlife and pets.

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