Today on Straight with Carly Alyssa Thorne we talk with Dianna Booher from Booher Research Institute we talk about her latest book on communication – “Communicate Like a Leader"

Dianna Booher is the bestselling author of 47 books, published in 26 languages, with nearly 4 million copies sold. Her personal development topics include leadership communication, executive presence, writing, and life balance.

Dianna’s work is also widely available in audio, video, and online courseware. Several books have been major book club selections and have won numerous awards.

To Learn More about Dianna Booher and Booher Research Institute go to:

For a more detailed bio on Dianna Booher go to:

To purchase and browse her other books go to:

Full Blog post with all the links to all the world's Video, Podcast and more:

Host and Interviewer: Carly Alyssa Thorne

Website: http://www.CarlyAlyssaThorne


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